Frequently Asked Questions

Is Offering Different Prices to Customers for the Same Products Feasible With Magento 2 Price Per Customer Extension?

Yes, with the Price Per Customer Magento 2 Extension, offering separate pricing to different customers or customer groups for a single product is possible. Based on customer attributes, you can create custom price rules.

To set different prices for same product in your Magento 2 store, you need to go to
  1. Log in to Admin Panel.
  2. Navigate to Stores > Settings > Configuration
  3. Under Catalog, select catalog.
  4. Expand the “Price” section.
  5. Then in the tab "Price", set price scope to Website instead of global.
  6. On the product edit page, you can then set the scope on the upper left side to your website and then enter a per website price.
  7. Save the configuration.
Here is the configuration guide for this extension to get more information.

Also, if you want to Implement Customer-Specific Pricing in Magento 2 follow this guide.
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